
kalichaat Kalichaat

The story revolves around Sitaram, a farmer like many other in central India, with less than limited means. Trying hard to meet ends and provide for his family the basics of life. The problem, repeatedly failing monsoon, the lifeline of Indian farmers, making his land yield nothing but weed despite him doing all he can.


Productions LLP specialize in creating Short Films


The story revolves around Sitaram, a farmer like many other in central India, with less than limited means. Trying hard to meet ends and provide for his family the basics of life. The problem, repeatedly failing monsoon, the lifeline of Indian farmers, making his land yield nothing but weed despite him doing all he can. His family of 5, including his wife, two sons, and a daughter suffers along.

Sitaram's efforts to quench the thirst of his land leads him try and dig a well in his land. The hard sound of mattock hitting the dreadful black rock – Kalichaat – is nothing but a disaster as cracking Kalichaat and reaching water beneath will require means beyond his approach. But to match adversities with his will, he approaches the local bank specifically established to meet the needs of farmers, only to realize that getting help there is even complex than breaking Kalichaat.

In this state of despair, the showering water coming out of a tube well drilling at his village makes him wonder why can't he have one at his land. A hope for him, perceived a gamble by many, including his wife. Again the seemingly never ending tryst authorities, loan sharks, and religious gurus, while keeping his family hopeful for a better future, begins. Pledging the very land he wanted water for, tube well drilling starts. One after another, attempts fail, land shrinks and hopes die. What's left is a question on our conscience as a society and as a system, as to why we let the actual breadwinner die in pursuit of a better life.


Sudhanshu Sharma being the producer and director of the film kalichaat is an entrepreneur with a creative streak who has closely observed life at rural India while growing up. Different small towns and villages of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh inspired his journey with their rich culture and traditional values. He is a post graduate in Humanities and a pursuant research scholar in Philosophy.

A poet, writer and philosopher, Sudhanshu's work remained mostly for personal audience 'til now, partly due to his choice of keeping it that way and partly due to professional commitments. Nevertheless, his work as a poet and writer earned him rich accolades in various formal and informal literary circles of Madhya Pradesh. A formal collection of his short stories and poems is in print for unveiling in very near future.

Sudhanshu's professional responsibilities as an entrepreneur demanded him to conceptualize, write, produce, and provide creative guidance for close to 150 commercial productions, mostly for Indian television.

'Kalichaat' is his directorial debut for a feature length, depicting the life and journey of a poor farmer from Malwa-Nimar region of western Madhya Pradesh, the area which he closely relates to. Besides being Director of the creation, he also was an integral part of scripting, screenplay, and art direction team of 'Kalichaat.'